As we wrap up this unprecedented semester and prepare for finals, we wanted to share some library news and reminders with you before summer break.
Due dates and returns
Currently, the Bentley Library building remains closed. All due dates for borrowed materials have been extended until at least August 31. Login to your library account to check the status of your items. If you are near campus and would like to return your library materials you may deposit them in the book return at the main entrance. Please contact if you have questions.
Online access to research databases, e-books, streaming films and more
Your Bentley email address and password will continue to grant you remote access to most library databases and electronic resources – anytime, anywhere.
Looking to relax with some summer reading? You can download popular and bestselling books and audiobooks from OverDrive. Our collection usually has a shorter wait time than public libraries, and Bentley Library users now have access to OverDrive’s new “Libby” app. Take a look at OverDrive’s Getting Started resources for information and help.
Stay well-informed in these rapidly changing times with your personal online subscriptions to the Financial Times, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal. If you have questions about registering or renewing your accounts (NYT and WSJ subscriptions expire annually on their anniversary), please contact the Reference Desk.
Research assistance
If you need help with research for classes or projects over the summer, you can contact the Reference Desk via email, chat, and text. Librarians are also available for research consultations via Zoom.
Customized library research guides provide guided help with course projects, common topics, and popular subjects. Lastly, don’t forget to check our FAQs database.
Follow our news, tweets, photos, stories and posts
Follow us to keep up with what’s happening this summer and learn about any changes to expect when we’re back in the fall. Updates regarding hours and operations will be shared in this blog, on our website, on the Bentley Library Coronavirus Updates and Remote Resources page, and via our social media channels. We’re @BentleyLibrary on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and have a great summer break!