Can’t tell what type of publication an article is from?
Want to verify if an article is from a peer reviewed journal?
Looking for publications in a certain subject area for publishing opportunities?
Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory can help!

Ulrichsweb provides information on more than 300,000 journals, magazines, newspapers, and more from a wide range of subject areas. Simply enter the title of the periodical or the ISSN to start learning more. You can also search by keyword.

Each record provides helpful information including:
- Serial Type (Journal, Magazine, Newspaper, etc.)
- Content Type (Academic/Scholarly, Trade, etc.)
- Publisher information (including links to the publication’s website)
- A brief description of the periodical and subjects it covers
- Locations where articles in the publication are indexed/abstracted

If an Academic/Scholarly journal is refereed that means it is peer reviewed!

Start exploring Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory by accessing the database from our Databases A-Z page.
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