Business Source Complete adds much more content to the Ebsco family of business databases. Not only does it include over 2,000 peer-reviewed journals, but it indexes and provides abstracts to the most important scholarly journals in business, dating back to 1886 in some instances. Some of these are the top ranking journals used in business school research, such as the Academy of Management Review, Accounting Review, Econometrica, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Political Economy, MIS Quarterly, MIT Sloan Management Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Review of Financial Studies, along with many others.
Business Source Complete includes:
- More than 1,150,000 company profiles written by independent analysts from MarketLine, a leading business information company, and Medtrack, a biopharmaceutical corporate intelligence company. Business Monitor Reports make available information on 24 industries in 200 global markets.
- There are 1,440 Country Reports included in this database. These comprehensive reports provide past and current information on the business, economic, legal, employment, tax and political climate and risk of a country. Analysis and forecasts come from IHS Global Insight, Business Monitor International, Going Global Career Guides, and Country Watch information sources.
- There are 28 Working Papers published by Yale School of Management, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, University of Michigan Business School, Columbia University and Harvard Business School. Neither Yale nor Harvard include the full text of the papers.
- 7,648 Industry Profiles are from U.S. Industry & Market Outlook and World Industry & Market Outlook. These 250-page, up-to-date reports provide trends (reported and estimated) in industry sales, number of establishments, and number of employees for major global industries. Here is an example of information offered from a recent Services Industry Report.

In addition to all this, Business Source Complete includes more than 10,270 case studies, over 8,800 executive interviews, and 57 videos from the Harvard Business School faculty seminar series from leading business scholars including Michael D. Watkins, Tarun Khanna, and Amy Edmonson, to name a few.
To access the videos, click on the Business Videos link under the Browse column, enter the search terms in the Find field and click Search. To view all available Business Videos, search using the term Business.
You have the option of viewing the lecture in full or reading it in a PDF. Topics range from Brand Positioning to Business Leadership. The videos are between 30 and 60 minutes long, but may be viewed in 2-3 minute segments by subtopic.
Business Source Complete is located in the library’s Databases A to Z listing and may be accessed anytime, anywhere through the library’s webpage.
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