It’s a Bentley Library tradition for Library Services staff to dedicate books in the name of their graduating seniors. This year, books have been dedicated on behalf of graduates Kimberly Waldbillig, Michelle Addo, Nazariy Fedak, Thimitrios Andoniades, and Andrew Watson. Each student has selected their own book, and they are now on display in the New Books area of the library.
Thanks goes out to all the student assistants for their hard work and commitment throughout the past year!
I saw at The Coop bookstore in Harvard a section where they put up books recommended by student employees. Under each book is a small stick-out tag with the name of the student and a very brief handwritten comment on why they suggest the book. I was thinking that would be a pretty awesome way to make popular reading books even more “accessible”, since other students will get a quick feel of what the book is about or what they might expect. Do you think we should have a similar “program” like that in our library? I think it would be helpful and fun!
I think this is a great idea…I’ll check in with our student employees to see if they are interested! In the meantime, check out our BookBuzz blog, which currently features books reviews written by library staff, but we’d love to have members of the Bentley community submit their own reviews. If you’re interested in writing a review send me an email at Thanks!