Did you know that the library provides free online access to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Financial Times for current Bentley students, staff and faculty? Sign up for your subscriptions today!
Registration links, renewal information, and key features:
The New York Times
- See The New York Times registration instructions
- Subscription provides access to the NYTimes.com website, the Spanish and Chinese editions of the newspaper, and NYTimes mobile apps. Not included are the Premium Crosswords, Times Insider and Crosswords app.
- Includes access to New York Times in Education, an educator site that provides curated course-relevant content (videos, photos, infographics, and podcasts), instructional strategies designed to promote learning across disciplines, and ideas for co-curricular activities outside of the classroom.
- All NYTimes.com accounts expire on their one year anniversary, but can be renewed following these easy renewal instructions.
The Wall Street Journal
- See The Wall Street Journal registration instructions
- Subscription provides full access to the WSJ.com website and mobile apps.
- WSJ.com accounts last for one calendar year from activation, but can be renewed following these easy renewal instructions.
Financial Times
- See the Financial Times registration instructions
- Subscription provides full access to the FT.com website and mobile apps.
- Choose topics to follow and sign up for customized email alerts based on your interests by adding FT Topics and Alerts to your myFT account.
More information about these three newspaper subscriptions and additional news databases can be found on the Current News research guide. Contact the Reference Desk if you need assistance or have questions.