We’re happy to welcome Bentley students, faculty, and staff back into the library to browse the stacks and borrow items (using the self-checkout machine, of course!). For those of you not on campus or unable to come into the building, we have e-books, digital audiobooks, and streaming films for you to enjoy.
A good place to begin browsing are the new acquisitions lists for August. To view the lists visit the New Books & DVDs page. Please note that the “ALL NEW BOOKS” link will display all new e-books and print books, but that due to differences in the way that e-books are cataloged they do not appear on the individual “Subject” lists.
To learn more about our different e-book collections please see our recent Databases of the Month: eBook Collections post. Downloadable e-books and digital audiobooks are available via the OverDrive collection. For help using the OverDrive apps (either the original app or the new Libby app) please view their Getting Started page.
Lastly, you can find new films and documentaries to stream online for free from our four streaming films databases.
Have questions about finding or using books, audiobooks, or films? Please contact the Reference Desk.