Thank you to the Bentley community for contributing many thoughtful comments, suggestions, and ideas in response to the 14 Days to Have Your Say! campaign. We also appreciate your kind words about our staff, services, and resources.
Between January 29th and February 11th we recorded 1,869 blog views and logged 47 blog posts and 11 blog comments. The whiteboards placed throughout the library captured 142 notes.
You gave us much to consider, and in the coming weeks we will be reviewing what everyone had to say. The library will post a response on the 14 Days to Have Your Say! blog site as soon as we can.
The blog is closed and the whiteboards have been put away, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to continue to hear from you. Visit our Contact Us page to reach a specific department or to submit a suggestion through the comment form. You can also reach us via email at
Thank you!