14 Days to Have Your Say!
Wednesday, October 29 – Tuesday, November 11
The Bentley Library is pleased to announce the launch of the fourth 14 Days to Have Your Say! project. This limited-life blog is an open forum for the Bentley community – an opportunity to post your comments, suggestions, criticisms and compliments, as well as to see what others are saying about the library.
The past three installments of 14 Days to Have Your Say! (2008, 2010 and 2012) were very successful, and the library has made many changes to our services, policies and resources as a result of the thoughtful feedback received through the blog. For example, based on past 14 Days feedback, the library has:
- increased normal operating hours and exam period hours
- adjusted borrowing policies to allow better/longer access to our DVD collection
- improved the features and functionality of the group study room reservation system
- improved the physical facilities by upgrading lighting, installing extra recycling receptacles, adding more study carrels, better signage, etc.
- worked to combat the problem of noise in the library by installing cell phone booths and adding an anonymous Help Keep the Library Quiet chat widget
- responded to student requests for access to coffee outside of the cafe’s hours by installing a coffee vending machine
- installed new equipment and technology – including “quick print/lookup” stations, color printers, and scanners – and increased the number of black & white printers to reduce wait times and lines
We hope that this installment is just as popular and fruitful. So, don’t be shy, tell us what’s on your mind! We want you to feel comfortable posting publicly, so your name will not be made public on the blog.
Have your say and see what others are saying at http://library.bentley.edu/14days.
Do you have questions about this project? Please visit the About and FAQs pages, or contact the Reference Desk at refdesk@bentley.edu or 781-891-2300.
more disney movies
The new screens in all of the study rooms are great but it is so difficult to connect to the computers in the rooms. Not everyone has computers that seem to connect to the HDMI or plugs and it’s really annoying when sometimes nobody has a computer that can connect and the cables aren’t connected to the computer boxes.