Reminder! There are just two more RefWorks workshops being offered before the end of the semester! Details are below… Please send an email to if you plan to attend.
Having trouble keeping track of those sources you’re supposed to cite? Victim of a second-rate citation generator? Come to:
RefWorks Workshops for Students
These workshops for students will provide an introduction to RefWorks, an online bibliographic management tool. Learn to export citations, create bibliographies, and save and organize sources for all your research papers and projects – all in one place. Have sources you’re not sure how to cite? Bring them with you and we’ll help you get them right.
Two sessions:
- Thursday, April 7, 1:00pm to 2:00pm
- Tuesday, April 12, 11:00am to 12:00pm
(Please RSVP to for this workshop. We also strongly recommend that you create a RefWorks account before attending, at RefWorks’ website. This works best when you are on campus.)