14 Days to Have Your Say!
Tuesday, March 16 – Monday, March 29
Now’s Your Chance to Tell the Bentley Library What’s On Your Mind.
The Bentley Library is pleased to announce the launch of the 14 Days to Have Your Say! blog. This limited-life blog is an open forum for the Bentley community – an opportunity to post your comments, criticisms, and kudos, as well as to read what others are saying about the library. Don’t be shy, tell us what’s on your mind!
Go to http://library.bentley.edu/14days to have your say.
The 14 Days to Have Your Say! blog will be open Tuesday, March 16 – Monday, March 29, 2010. Do you have questions about this project? Please visit the About and FAQs pages, or contact the Reference Desk at refdesk@bentley.edu or 781-891-2300.
Library should be open 24/7 to accommodate students’ needs. A significant investment went towards the library for the students; therefore, it makes sense that Bentley should allow students to have full access at all times.