The Bentley Library is offering the following workshops for faculty and Ph.D. students this month:
MLA/APA Citation Styles Workshop
Date & Time: Wednesday, September 23 @ 12:45pm
Description: Within the last year, new editions of both the MLA Handbook and the APA Publication Manual have been released. This workshop will cover changes to MLA and APA citation styles, and how those changes are reflected in RefWorks, EndNote, and other library sources. Further resources and suggestions for how to incorporate the changes into student citation practices will be offered.
EndNote X2
Dates & Times: Thursday, September 17 @ 12:30pm to 1:30pm – OR – Monday, September 21 @ 2:10pm to 3:10pm
Description: EndNote is bibliographic citation software that allows users to manage and store bibliographic citations, PDFs and research notes. EndNote provides citation style and manuscript formatting for hundreds of top publications, as well as, the APA, MLA, Chicago and many other associations. EndNote provides over 700 import filters for direct import of citations from online databases, including EBCSOHost and ProQuest. This Endnote workshops will focus on getting started EndNote X2, including manual and direct import of citations, selecting manuscript styles, and creating bibliographies. EndNote X2 is available via the VLAB.
All library workshops are held in the Library’s Research Instruction Center, located on the lower level of the library in room 11. Seating is limited – please RSVP to and indicate which session you are registering for.
You can view more information about upcoming library workshops – for students and for faculty – by visiting our events calendar.