Aggregating a wide range of content, all from credible sources in news, law, and industry, Nexis Uni is essential when researching global and regional newsworthy events, U.S. State and Federal law, and U.S. and foreign business. Formerly Lexis Nexis Academic, Nexis Uni features a new interface and enhanced functionality designed with input from students and researchers enabling you to quickly and effectively discover, collect, and organize information.

A good example is the highlighted text search, which makes the text of any document you find within Nexis Uni an entry point to related documents. With your mouse, highlight text, then copy or add the text to take your search in another direction:

The option to save items to a personal Nexis Uni account, Drop Box, or Google Drive, allows you to gather and organize documents first so that you can easily find and read them later.

You may also register for a personal account which lets you customize your search experience and which lets you create alerts notifying you of content added to Nexis Uni which include search terms you specify:

For legal research, use “Get a Doc Assistance” located on the main search page. This feature enables you to obtain documents by creating the appropriate legal citation according to content type and jurisdiction and to find cases by party names or by docket number.

Go to Nexis Uni from the link provided for Lexis Nexis Academic on the libraries Databases A-Z page to take advantage of this valuable resource for your assignment, research, or curiosity.
Database of the Month provides a very brief introduction to a useful website or Library database, highlighting key features you should know about. If you would like more information about this resource (or any of the library’s databases), please contact us for research assistance. If you would like a demonstration of this resource for a class, please schedule a research instruction class using the instruction request form.