Films on Demand is one of the Bentley Library’s premier online film databases, specializing in educational content that spans all academic disciplines and research interests. With enhancements such as segmented content, customized playlists, embed capabilities, and citation tools, this database is a valuable resource for both educators and students alike.
Bentley University has access to the full Master Academic Collection offered by Films on Demand. This collection includes within it the Humanities & Social Science, Business & Economy, Science & Mathematics, and Health Video collections. In addition, these resources feature content from notable producers of quality programming:
Subject areas covered by Films On Demand include:
- Art & Architecture
- Biology
- Business & Economics
- Careers & Job Search
- Computers & Technology
- English & Language Arts
- Health & Medicine
- History
- Mathematics
- Philosophy & Religion
- Psychology
- Sociology
Users have the option to create playlists to access and refer to later. To create playlists, click on the “My Films” option on the top right corner of the main page and follow the instructions to create an account.
Most films in this database feature segments, making it easier for both educators and students to isolate relevant content for instruction or research. Users can also create their own custom segments for use in research and presentations and save to their account to reference later.
Instructors can integrate films into Blackboard with ease by using the Embed/Link option, enabling the posting of assigned films (or segments) directly into the course learning environment without extra clicks or links. To do this, first cut and paste the Title URL link of the video listed below the brief description of the title. Then place our proxy server prefix tag in front of this URL so off campus users can view the video.
Here is our proxy server prefix tag:
For accessibility purposes, Films on Demand also offers closed captioning and searchable transcripts both available in multiple languages as an alternative way to experience content.
Connect to this Resource
Films on Demand is available from the library’s Streaming Films page and Databases A to Z listing. Contact the Reference Desk if you have questions or need assistance using this resource.
Database of the Month provides a very brief introduction to useful library databases, highlighting key features you should know about. If you would like more information about this resource (or any of the library’s databases), please contact us for research assistance. If you would like a demonstration of these resources for a class, please schedule a research instruction class using the instruction request form.