Is It Getting Loud in Here? Please, Help Us Keep the Library Quiet.

It’s hard to believe that today is the last day of classes and finals are upon us. For most of you this translates into late-night study sessions and hours spent hunched over a keyboard typing papers. Many of you will retreat to the Bentley Library to seek out a quiet corner or comfortable chair to accomplish these tasks.  We ask that you work together with us to maintain a quiet environment conducive to study.

Please, be mindful of your voices and courteous to the people working around you. If you do encounter a person or group that is disrupting the quiet you may approach a library staff member either in person or by sending an anonymous instant message via our Meebo chat widget. Simply go to the library’s home page, look for “I Want To...” and click on “Help Keep the Library Quiet!“.  There’s no need to log-in or identify yourself. A  library staff person will respond as quickly as possible. Best of luck to all of you with finals, and have a wonderful winter break!

Get Free & Reduced Admission to Museums

Did you know that the Bentley Library offers museum passes that will allow you free or reduced admission to some of the most popular Boston-area museums?   Even better, you can check for museum pass availability up to 30 days in advance and immediately reserve your passes online.  Museum passes available are:

  • De Cordova Museum (Lincoln, MA)
  • Fruitlands Museum (Harvard, MA)
  • Harvard Art Museum (Cambridge, MA)
  • Historic New England (formerly S.P.N.E.A.) (various New England locations)
  • Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (Boston)
  • John F. Kennedy Library and Museum (Boston)
  • Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
  • Museum of Science (Boston)
  • National Heritage Museum (Lexington)
  • New England Aquarium (Boston) (not available during summer months)
  • Peabody Essex Museum (Salem, MA)

For more information (or to make your reservation now) go to the library’s home page and click on “Museum Passes”.