Please join us on Thursday, March 29, for the spring installment in the Bentley Library Information Literacy Series, featuring Laura Saunders, assistant professor at the Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Light refreshments will be available in LaCava 325AB at 3:30 pm, with the event getting underway at 4:00 pm.
“The Future of Information Literacy”
Bentley Library Information Literacy Series
Laura Saunders, Assistant Professor, Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Prof. Saunders is a former academic reference and instruction librarian who holds master’s and doctoral degrees in library and information science from Simmons. She is an expert on information literacy and will speak about the future of information literacy—how research and evaluation skills transfer from high school to college, and from college to beyond, and how faculty and students both contribute to students’ ongoing learning of information literacy skills and concepts.
Please RSVP to Liz Galoozis by March 15 if you plan to bring a class to the event or will require students to attend.
For library colleagues attending from other institutions, a tour of the Bentley Library will follow the talk.