Governor Deval Patrick has proclaimed October 2011 to be Massachusetts Information Literacy Month. Never heard of it? The official proclamation says that information literacy:
“provides the tools and skills to find, evaluate and use credible information from all sources in our constantly evolving world”
and that:
“Individuals who are comfortable working with the informational resources available in the digital world are able to seek highly skilled jobs and compete at high levels in the global economy.”
Information literacy is crucial to seeking and understanding information, whether you’re writing a research paper, making health-related decisions, or trying to find unbiased news coverage.
Want to see what the Bentley Library does to promote information literacy? Visit our Information Literacy and Instruction Research Guide to learn about library instruction and initiatives related to finding, evaluating, and using information of all kinds.
Curious about what this has to do with being a member of the business community or of a business university? Come to the library’s October 26 event “Who Wrote This and Why Should I Care? Evaluating and Understanding Information in a Business Context.” A panel of experts will discuss the challenges of evaluating information, and being information literate, in an ever-changing information landscape. More information can be found in this blog post.
For even more information on information literacy, click on the badge in this post to be taken to the website of the National Forum on Information Literacy.