If you’re a member of the Bentley community, chances are you might have a shirt, tote bag, hat, or coffee mug emblazoned with the Bentley logo. This year, to celebrate our one hundredth birthday, you’ll have the opportunity to stock up on Centennial-themed gear. For now, look at some of the ways that people have worn their Bentley pride in the last 100 years!
Sporting events are some of the most common places to find Bentley clothing and accessories. Just ask our 1964 cheerleaders.
The Bentley uniforms have changed a lot over the years. One reason might be our frequent name changes; in just 100 years we’ve grown from the “Bentley School for Accounting and Finance” to “Bentley College” to “Bentley University”. Maybe that’s why some of these players took the shortcut and just went with our enduring name – Bentley!
After the move to Waltham, Bentley’s campus identity continued to evolve and school spirit continued to grow. Here’s a student in the 1980’s trying to decide what Bentley gear to buy from the campus store.
Bentley pride stays with members of our community for their whole lives, so it’s no surprise that our alumni like to show off the Bentley name at Reunion each year! Below are a few pictures of the once ubiquitous Bentley straw hats.
It’s not all fun and games, though! Bentley students are hard workers, and are frequently seen in Bentley t-shirts and hoodies while they work and attend classes. Here, a student in the 1980’s types up what we suspect was probably homework on one of the word processing machines in an early Bentley computing lab.
One other group always wearing the Bentley name and logo with pride? Our Campus Police officers! In the photo below, one of our Bentley officers attends an educational session with members of the Massachusetts State Police.
Of course, when you’re looking for a college or university there are lots to choose from! Each school has their own logos, mascots, and branding — and the clothing & accessories to match! For Bentley this means the Blue & Gold, and the Falcon we’ve come to know and love. For this child in the 1980’s, the choice seemed clear!
Tell us your favorite way to wear your Bentley pride, or share some of your photos and memories with the Bentley Archives! Our collection contains Bentley hats, jerseys, mugs and more from every era of the school’s history.