Special Library Hours: Sunday, March 15 - Saturday, March 21

Bentley University has announced that classes will not be held March 16–20 as the university and students prepare to move to remote, online classes beginning Monday, March 23.

The Bentley Library will be open Sunday, March 15–Saturday, March 21 to accommodate faculty, staff and students who need access to our physical collections and resources.

Currently, the library plans to be open as listed below, but this schedule may change at any time in accordance with university policies. Please visit https://www.bentley.edu/coronavirus for university updates and communications related to COVID-19. 

Library Hours March 15-21, 2020

Sunday, March 15
1:00–9:00 p.m.

Monday, March 16 – Friday, March 20
8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.

Saturday, March 21

Library staff are making plans for providing services, resources, research assistance and instruction when online classes begin on March 23. We will continue to update the community as information becomes available. Please visit the library’s website for library news updates and check the library’s hours calendar online before visiting.

Bentley users can connect to databases and e-resources from any location with internet access. Information about off-campus access to library services and resources can be found on the Bentley Library Coronavirus Updates & Remote Services page.

The safety and well-being of the Bentley community and our staff remain our highest priorities and we thank you in advance for your flexibility and cooperation during this time. Please contact Library Services at libraryservices@bentley.edu or 781-891-2168 if you have questions or need assistance.